Strengthening democracy through critical reflection in European countries
Shared and deep concerns about the fragility of democracy in Europe today further led to the development of this ambitious project. The “Changing Democracies” is a unique collaboration between organisations with a common mission. The drive for this project resembles the motivation of the Evens Foundation and EuroClio to work together on the Sharing European Histories project, but building on this previous project, it goes way beyond in its scope and scale.
The present project builds on the work of multiple project partners, but finds its inspiration especially in the project My Story/(Y)Our Story, a European project of the Antwerp Peace Centre. In My Story/(Y)Our Story, stories were collected from 15 people who had migrated to Belgium from Central and Eastern Europe before or soon after the democratic transitions of 1989-1991. These stories were presented to young people (in the form of an educational resource) as well as to a wider audience (in the form of an exhibition) to raise awareness about the recent history of democracy in Europe. Another inspiration is the Rif Tour, organized by the Centre for the History of Migration, where young and old with a Moroccan background explored their migration history. The project collected personal stories and objects of people and brought these back in the form of a travelling exhibition. Unique to this experience was the connection between personal and transnational history.
Duration of the project
EuroClio | Flemish Peace Institute | Autres Directions | Stefano Di Pietro Productions | Mediawise Society | University of Porto Research Institute of Art, Design and Society | Escola de Cultura de Pau | Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes | Association for History Education in Greece | National History Museum of Slavonia | Borderland Foundation | The Open Lithuania Foundation
What is going on in the project?
The first project partners’ meeting took place in Vilnius on April 27-28.