The program is aimed at strengthening the capacities of regional NGOs and financing human rights projects.
10 July to 10 September
The “Verta!” program is designed to strengthen non-governmental organizations operating in the field of human rights and provide funding for their projects. The program focuses on organizations and projects related to ethnic minorities, migrants and refugees, LGBT+ individuals, vulnerable women, children, and other socially marginalized groups, aiming to ensure their equality, promote solidarity, and improve conditions for civic and democratic participation. Special attention will be given to strengthening regional, small NGOs.
The “Verta” program was developed and implemented by the Open Lithuania Foundation, a public institution, and is funded by the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values program. From 2023 to 2025, a total of 2.7 million euros will be allocated for the capacity-building of NGOs.
First, it is tailor-made training specifically designed for the needs and challenges of non-governmental organizations. Up to two representatives from each selected organization will have the opportunity to participate. In the NGO Leaders Academy, professionals in their respective fields will teach participants how to attract funding for their organization, professionally prepare projects, ensure the organization’s financial sustainability, disseminate knowledge, and communicate with the community. The training program will last for 7 months.
Second, it is an opportunity to implement projects in one’s own community, promoting equality, solidarity, and increasing civic and democratic participation. It also provides a platform to share project experiences with similar organizations operating in other regions or at the national level.
Third, it is an opportunity to disseminate knowledge at the national and even international level, strengthen advocacy networks, and gain international experience.
The “Verta!” program is open to both national advocacy organizations and small organizations operating in the regions. However, the program will place particular emphasis on small regional organizations during the two-stage program.
For regional small NGOs, a two-stage program is planned: first, after the evaluation of applications and interviews, selected organizations will be invited to participate in a long-term capacity-building program called “NGO Leaders Academy.” Upon completion of the training, these organizations will have the opportunity to apply for project funding.
National advocacy NGOs will be invited to submit project proposals for funding at the end of 2023, including activities that involve exchanging experiences and collaborating with small NGOs. They will also receive advocacy strengthening training and engage in advocacy network development activities.
Regional NGOs participating in the program | I Call
No | Organization | Location | |
1 | Association | Panevėžio jaunimo organizacijų sąjunga „Apskritasis stalas“ – PAS | Panevėžys |
2 | Association | Alytaus autizmo asociacija „Lietaus vaikai“ | Alytus |
3 | Public institution | Pabėgėlių taryba (Refugee council of Lithuania) | Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Rukla |
4 | Public institution | Judesio ir minties teatras | Vilnius, Šalčininkai |
5 | Association | Visagino trečiojo amžiaus universitetas | Visaginas |
6 | Association | Asociacija „Varėnos trečiojo amžiaus universitetas“ | Region of Varėnos, Alytaus |
7 | Association | Lietuvos hipofizės pacientų asociacija, trumpinys – LHPA | all country |
8 | Association | Lietuvos žmonių su stuburo pažeidimais asociacijos Alytaus miesto ir rajono skyrius | Alytus |
9 | Association | Asociacija „Bendraukime“ | Mažeikių region |
10 | Public institution | Skaitmeninės etikos centras | All country |
11 | Association | Panevėžio autizmo asociacija „Lietaus vaikai“ | City and region of Panevėžys |
12 | Public institution | Užimtumo centras | Kaunas |
13 | Association | Dulų asociacija | all country |
14 | Association | Onkologinių ligonių asociacija „Vilties kelias“ | Utena |
15 | Association | Via Alba | Mažeikiai |
16 | Association | Nemunėlio Radviliškio bendruomenė | Nemunėlio Radviliškis, region of Biržai |
17 | Association | Klaipėdos sutrikusios psichikos žmonių globos bendrija | Klaipėda |
18 | Public institution | Šeimos centras „Kartu saldu“ | City and region of Biržai |
19 | Association | Biržų rajono Pačeriaukštės kaimo bendruomenė | Pačeriaukštė, region of Biržai |
20 | Association | Mažeikių sutrikusios psichikos žmonių globos bendrija „Gyvenimo spalvos“ | Mažeikiai |
21 | Public institution | Gilės sodas | Region of Prienai, Biržai, Kazlų Rūda |
22 | Association | Rietavo savivaldybės jaunimo organizacija „Progresas“ | Rietavas, Plungė, Kretinga, Raseiniai |
23 | Public institution | Mėlynas mėnulis | Šiauliai |
24 | Association | Pasaulio alytiškių bendruomenė | Alytus |
25 | Association | Kaimų bendruomenė „Berteškiai“ | Village of Berteškių kaimas, region of Raseiniai |
Regional NGOs participating in the program | II Call
No | Organization | Location |
1 | Raseinių krizių centras | Raseiniai |
2 | Lietuvos triračių sporto asociacija, LTSA | Vilnius, Šiauliai, Alytus, Kaunas, Telšiai, Utena, Marijampolė, Klaipėda |
3 | Alytaus rajono asmenų su negalia draugija | Region of Alytus |
4 | VšĮ Klaipėdos apskrities pagalbos vyrams centras | Klaipėda |
5 | Viešoji įstaiga „Tapk laisvas“ | City and region of Kaunas |
6 | Lietuvos agentūros ,,SOS vaikai“ Panevėžio skyrius | City and region of Panevėžys |
7 | VšĮ ,,Namai visiems“ | City and region of Šakiai |
8 | VšĮ „Švietimo, sveikatos ir socialinių inovacijų centras“ | City and region of Šilutė, Klaipėda ir Kretinga |
9 | Asociacija „Šiaulių lietaus vaikai” | Šiauliai |
10 | VšĮ „Tavo viltis“ | City of Radviliškis. Šiauliai |
11 | Kėdainių rajono Moterų krizių centras | Region of Kėdainiai |
12 | VšĮ Šiaulių Trečiojo amžiaus universitetas | Šiauliai |
13 | Labdaros ir paramos fondas „Vilties spindulėlis“ | Kaunas |
14 | Asociacija Laumžirgių slėnis | Kirkliai, region of Telšiai |
15 | VšĮ centras „Eik” | Vilnius |
16 | Lietuvos parolimpinis komitetas | all country |
17 | Kauno Vilijampolės bendruomenės centras „Veršva“ | Kaunas |
18 | Neįgaliųjų sportininkų asociacija | Klaipėda |
19 | Klaipėdos apskrities sutrikusios klausos vaikų ir jaunimo tėvų bendrija AIDAS | Klaipėdos apskritis |
20 | Lietuvos samariečių Jurbarko krašto bendrija | Jurbarkas |
21 | Biržų „Artrito“ klubas | Biržai |
22 |
VšĮ „Galiu daugiau“ | Marijampolė, Vilkaviškis, Kalvarija, Kaunas, Vilnius, Telšiai, Šiauliai, Klaipėda, Kėdainiai, Plungė and other cities |
23 | VšĮ Socialinės integracijos centras „Mes kartu“ | Pravieniškės, region of Kaišiadorys |
24 | VšĮ Vaikų linija | all country |
25 | Telšių krizių centras (TKC) | Telšiai |
26 | Visuomeninė organizacija „Senjorų pasaulis“ | all country |
27 | Asociacija „Trinus“ | Region of Kėdainiai, Aristava viilage |
Third Call for applications for regional NGOs| III Call
Call for applications will be announced on 10th of July 2024 in Lithuanian only (
The call will remain open for applications until September 10th.
Call for applications for national advocacy NGOs | Summer 2024
The call for proposals for large non-governmental organizations (e.g., umbrella associated structures) concluded on July 2nd.
The program “Verta!” presentation video
The program is financed by the European Union. However, the expressed views or opinions are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the European Union or the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the funding institution is responsible for them.